So what's up with all the controversy over hydraulic fracturing? Here's a neat…
So what's up with all the controversy over hydraulic fracturing? Here's a neat graphical explanation of the process. You can click on various points for further explanations. Cool pictures, too.
Science And The Fracking Boom: Missing Answers
People living on the front step of the natural gas boom have the same questions: What kinds of pollutants are entering our water and air, and are those pollutants making us sick? Explore key components of the natural gas production process — and the questions scientists are asking.
Science And The Fracking Boom: Missing Answers
People living on the front step of the natural gas boom have the same questions: What kinds of pollutants are entering our water and air, and are those pollutants making us sick? Explore key components of the natural gas production process — and the questions scientists are asking.
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