Terrific story on youth gardening. OSN director Dr. Chad Settle is the faculty…
Terrific story on youth gardening. OSN director Dr. Chad Settle is the faculty advisor to the Earth Matters group, mentioned below, and OSN grants have helped support a number of these projects.

Youth gardens give kids life lessons in nature, growing own food
On a recent morning, as classmates traveled inside to the lunchroom, a first-grade girl doubled back. She wanted to show the adults something. She walked over to an adjacent garden bed where plants had grown out of the box, not quite waist-high on the 8-year-old girl. She r…

Youth gardens give kids life lessons in nature, growing own food
On a recent morning, as classmates traveled inside to the lunchroom, a first-grade girl doubled back. She wanted to show the adults something. She walked over to an adjacent garden bed where plants had grown out of the box, not quite waist-high on the 8-year-old girl. She r…
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