The Home Depot wants suppliers to label plants treated with pesticides linked to…
The Home Depot wants suppliers to label plants treated with pesticides linked to bee deaths

Home Depot leads US retail charge to limit use of pesticides linked to bee decline
Home Depot is among a number of US companies taking a stand to eliminate or limit the use of a type of pesticide suspected of driving a decline in honeybee populations. By the fourth quarter of this year, the company will begin to require suppliers to label any plants treated with neonicotinoid, or…

Home Depot leads US retail charge to limit use of pesticides linked to bee decline
Home Depot is among a number of US companies taking a stand to eliminate or limit the use of a type of pesticide suspected of driving a decline in honeybee populations. By the fourth quarter of this year, the company will begin to require suppliers to label any plants treated with neonicotinoid, or…
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